Does your church have an idea that could foster vitality and benefit others?

The NACCC Vitality Ministry Council believes creative endeavors are worth supporting financially to see what they can inspire!

In 2025, the NACCC Vitality Ministry Council is offering up to ten one-time grants of $2,500 each to active member churches or church cohort groups to support new or expanding ministries or projects that involve churches being exploratory, ambitious, collaborative, and generative as a way to enhance the vitality of the local church.

The Details 

All active NACCC member churches can apply for a grant of up to $2,500.

Applications will be received and approved by members of the NACCC Vitality Ministry Council and the NACCC Director of Programs.

Awardees will receive notice of award in December 2024. Funding for projects will begin in January 2025.

Awardees will stay in communication with the Vitality Ministry Council and NACCC staff as their projects progress.

How to Apply 

Applicants must submit a proposal of no more than three pages, which should include a narrative of the project goal and a simple budget for the use of funds. For more detailed information on how to construct your proposal, click here.

Proposals can be sent to the Vitality Ministry Council via NACCC Church Services Coordinator Laura Wright at

Proposals are due by November 1, 2024.